Sunday, May 30, 2010

Remix This!!!!

Vacancy Announcement

A scantily clad, desperate for recognition/attention, willing to do anything to get a little of  her face and a lot of other private parts on T.V, skank is needed for a remix video. Girls with little or no self esteem, suicidal tendencies due to inferiority complex should immediately send in their Portfolios ( nude or at least revealing is preferred) to give us a chance to get into their pants vis-a-vis on the casting couch. To apply, your age must be above 18 and below 25, no fatty's please, the less experienced the better so freshers are strongly encouraged to apply,  send in your pretend "Resumes" ( indicating your age, height, weight and moral ethics) to We do not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, color, race or language. But we do discriminate where it matters the most, Men are strictly not allowed, not even crazy gay ones, Feminists are not welcome at all, Conservative goody two shoes need not apply and Sentimental bitches with STD's, stay the hell away from us.

This is how i picture the ad given by Indian producers and directors of remix videos whenever they are about to commit debauchery by taking a rare, classic master piece and beating the soul out of its melody by "remixing" it.

So you want to recycle something old  into something new by adding some modern touches and spices, OK go forth, but why the heck do you insist on insulting the artists and composers who made the original by shooting a trashy, D-Grade, obscenely vulgar video of that song. Isn't it enough that you have robbed the creator of his creation and made a fool of the genius who created the original? but No, you go one step forward and kill the audio appeal along with its visual appeal as well, all in the name of  pepping it up.

Just because you think that you have some talent doesn't necessarily mean its true. I firmly believe that DJ this and DJ that who are thought of as the masters of remixes are actually anything but musicians, just because i know how to hold a cricket bat does not make me a batsman, similarly knowing how to play a musical instrument does not make any one a musician let alone capable of having the talent to monkey with a classic set of musical notes.

I know Mother Earth needs us to Recycle but in the case of Recycling music, i bet Mother Nature would feel a lot better if we decide not to Recycle at all and let the Polluted old music live.

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