Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Un noticed everyday Superhero

My dad, my superhero, my larger than life idol, my ideal and favorite personality and my reason for having faith in humanity and having faith in God, because of you i firmly believe that there is a higher power who really cares about me and gave you the task to watch over me from the ground below while he does the same from the heavens above.Thank you dad for everything, seriously for every little and big things. I recognized you even before i developed face recognition ability, i recognized you by your voice and by your touch. I know you held and carried me continuously for hours on, you must have felt tired but you couldn't bear to set me down because you feared that i might get hurt.

Dad, how can i repay you? i don't think its humanly possible for me and i am sure of this now because i myself am a father and i am going through the same things that you went through and i too have developed the same emotions but i am no where near the parenting standards set by you, your patience, compassion, understanding and the sacrifices you made for me.  From the time i started to recognize faces, the time i took my first steps, i uttered my first words, i remember you being there always by my side smiling and there to take care of whatever mess i got myself into regardless of the situation.

Dad, you know i don't believe in celebrating mothers or fathers day because i think its the most cheap and inhumane way of honoring the greatest personalities, greatest helpers and greatest care takers one gets to know. If it was up to me i would declare every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every month of every year, mothers and fathers day and even so i wouldn't be able to just start thanking you for everything you did, you do and will do for me and my betterment.

Dad, they say being a parent is the worst job in the world, you don't get paid, there are no holidays,overtime or extra benefits and you have been doing this thankless job for the past 31 years non stop. For the past 31 years you have been taking first class care of me, and now you are doing the same for my kids and your grand kids, sometimes i wonder what good did i accidentally do to deserve such a wonderful man like you for a father. I know i am far from being the best son in the world, heck i don't even  come any close at being a good son but dad let me take this opportunity to tell you that i try my best, i really do and when you say that you love me and are proud of me it makes me happy, very glad and satisfied. Thank you dad for supporting me through thick and thin, through sad and happy times, through hot and cold seasons, through scarce and unlimited means.

Dad, i owe everything good to you, without you by my side i would have been nothing, an absolute loser and a terrible waste of mind, body and soul. It is because of you i learned to talk the talk and walk the walk. You taught me greatness, survival, compassion, humility and modesty. Dad i can go on forever but i know you get bored very easily and being a man's man you too don't like to get emotional, so i will stop now by once more thanking you and by saying Oh dear Father Take me Further, Further into valor, knowledge and parenting.

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